Why Ultimate Ninjas
Fitness + Entertainment Franchise
Fitness + Entertainment
The child and adult fitness industry is growing. With ninja course obstacle course racing becoming an Olympic sport, that growth is expected to skyrocket for years. As a world-class fitness and entertainment venue aligned with evolving trends, the Ultimate Ninjas business model equates to success for our franchisees. No other business model has combined so many verticals, building a community and unmatched loyalty.
Largest presence of
any ninja franchise
Ultimate Ninjas is the worldwide leader in the coveted kids and adult fitness ecosystem with over one million customers served.
Recurring Membership Model
Branching out to adults
Ultimate Ninjas is the worldwide leader in the coveted kids and adult fitness ecosystem with over one million customers served.
no facility downtime
Take the First Step to Ownership
we stand out
In Community Support
In simplifying the start
In Prioritizing Safety
Made to
Our leadership has strong relationships with manufacturing partners that create new features that fit our gym layouts. Obstacles and padding are designed to be long-lasting through continual wear.
A new obstacle can easily replace a previous one to freshen up the space. This foresight means lower installation costs and a shorter turnover time. New attractions keep adults and kids coming back for years to come!
Each Ultimate Ninjas gym is custom-built for dynamic layouts that maximize floor space. Inspired by a hit television series, Ultimate Ninjas obstacle courses suit every age and skill level.
A range of unique, challenging obstacles are enticing for all ages to try, practice, and master, including an agility course, swinging ropes, monkey bars, quintuple steps, climbing and warped walls, and more!