Meet The Team

Ultimate Ninjas North Shore
Meet Our General Manager

Justin Coconato

Justin has competed on ANW season 11 in Tacoma, and is considered an Elite Tester for the ANW course. This means he gets to go out and run the obstacle course prior to the event to see how challenging it can be for the competitors. His ninja name is justINCREDIBLE for his athletic performances on and off the ANW course. Something incredible about Justin is he can conquer any Mega Wall!

Justin was an all around high school athlete playing 4 sports! Justin was voted most likely to become a professional athlete his senior year. Justin played NAIA D2/ NCCAA D1 college baseball at Trinity Christian College where he still holds records for his pitching performances. Go Trolls! Justin played Independent baseball for a brief period of time and still plays with the Chicago Elite. Justin was awarded the MVP for his pitching performance in the Championship game in 2020 defeating the Marlins in game 3. Justin has an artistic background and is always creating art or working with his hands creating obstacles. He was awarded Best in Show in college for his "Identity" piece. Also, for his college Thesis on Shadow Typography.

Justin was born in IL and spent his time growing up in Colorado enjoying the outdoors, hiking, and climbing in the mountains. He moved back to IL to play college baseball and now is our Northshore General Manager. Justin started out as a UN coach in 2016, and through his time with Ultimate Ninjas, his passion for the sport has grown immensely. He loves being able to teach people of all ages and abilities about the “NINJA LIFESTYLE”  and encouraging them to justINCREDIBELE.

Justin has a fraternal twin brother who he lives with in Villa Park and has 2 dogs: Chewie and Zeno. In his spare time he is playing baseball, climbing, and running with his dogs.


COVID-19 Safety Procedures

Our top priority is the safety of the community we have here in Glenview. We will continue to operate in accordance with the county's current guidelines.

Meet Our North Shore Managers


Stephanie Andrews

General Manager


Josh Salud

General Manager